Maverx Academy
Mastering Entrepreneurship Program
Mastering Entrepreneurship Program consists of a series of flexible modules that can be combined into a half day workshop or distributed into multiple workshops covering the following topics:
Idea Assessment: Need/Approach/Benefit/Competition business model
- How to create and maintain a business advantage
- Creating Value: the new business model canvas
- IP and Barriers to Entry
- Innovation Management
- Financial Mapping
- Funding
- Investment
- Growth strategies
Mastering Entrepreneurship Workshops are in English. They offer an interactive learning experience allowing time for questions and 1:1 sessions with the participants.
Mentors and Partners:
Christian Kumar
Christian has a career spanning over 30 years in corporate finance, investment banking and wealth management. He has created a deployment model that allows rapid commercialisation of ideas, a method of valuation and funding to motivate the stakeholders whilst minimizing risks to the investors by mentoring companies with a three to five years’ vision of strategic growth. Christian is supported by a highly skilled international advisory team drawn from different disciplines that contributes to strategy and manages key partnerships.